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All Books I Have Read π
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- Omar Khairy
- @omark4y
My Favorite Quote which summaize my motivation for reading more is:
The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply. - Khalil Gibran
I love listening to audiobooks more than reading. However I mix between reading and listening.
Moneyball, Michael Lewis

I loved the moive more than the book. But definitely a good read especially the stroy behind how belly bean introduce statsical analysis withing using fainaical sofware.
The Power of Habbit, Charles Duhigg: One of my favorite books at so many levels. I Loved the obseravtions and bussines stoires of target, starbucks, P&G and many more.

The Lean Startup, Eric Ries. Measure and Pivot (or Perserve) chapters were my favorite chapters in the book as well as "Validated Learning" concept.
Talking to Strangers, Malcolm Gladwell

Blink, Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell

The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell
I Loved all the books of Malcolm Gladwell. He is one of my favorite authors.
Pyschology of Money, Morgan Housel
My favorite book about money. I re-read some chapters from time to time. Some of my favorite notes from the book:
- Manage your money in a way that helps you sleep at night.
- The form of wealth is the ability to wake up every morning and say: "I can do whatever I want today".
- Room for error: the most important part of any plan is planning on your plan not going according to plan.
Working Backwards, Colin Bryar

One of my favorite books of all time. A Lot of intersting stories about tech products either invocation like (AWS, Kindle, Prime) or failure like (Fire Phone, Fire TV). I am fascinated by how did Jeff Bezos with his team build the culture(Customer Obession) with many other principles like Bar Raiser, 2 Pizza Team, PR/FAQ, 6 Pages Memo. However the wroking backwards is the most compelling concept. I loved the concept of writing the press release before starting the project.
Good to Great, Jim Collins I loved the flywheel concept and the hedgehog concept.
Never Split the Difference, Chris Voss
The Atomic Habits, James Clear I loved the concept of "Small, incremental changes can lead to big results over time".
Hit Refresh, Satya Nadella
Range, David Epstein
Traction, Gabriel Weinberg
A great book for how to get traction by many ways and what would be the trade-off between each method.
Building a Story Brand , Donald Miller
Super Thinking, Gabriel Weinberg A Heavy book. A lot of fallcies, biases and mental models. I loved the concept of inversion.
The Secret Lives of Introverts, Jenn Granneman
Show Your Work, Austin Kleon
Blood, Sweat and Pixels, Jason Schreier

The game development industry is so wild and hard I read the first 5 chapters and then I lost interest.
[Grit] (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27213329-grit), Angela Duckworth
The Side Hustle, Chris Guillebeau Not a great book but I loved the concept of side hustle.
Currently Reading and Listening to
ReWork, Jason Fried
Noise, Daniel Kahneman A Hard book to read. I loved the concept of noise and the way it is explained.
Think Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman