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What I Did Learn in 2022


Overall 2022 was a great year for me. I learned a lot of new things and i am very happy with the progress i made. I am sharing what technologies i learned in 2022.

What i did learn in 2022

1. Aws (Amazon Web Services):

While i build my side project windr i got credits for AWS so i had to migrate from GCP(Google cloud) to Aws and i learned a lot about its services. I learned about the following services:

  • Aws Elastic Beanstalk
  • Aws Elastic Load Balancer
  • Aws Route 53
  • Aws S3 (I did use it before but it was a part of the stack)
  • Aws RDS (PostgreSQL)
  • AWS Container Registry

That knowledge i gained helped me write a blog post about How to Deploy Strapi Docker Container On AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The key lessons:

  • AWS Elastic Load Balancer is great but it is expensive i think i was paying 50$(as credits) per month for it.
  • Aws has a great customer support and they are very helpful in comparison with GCP i could not reach out to the support team!.

2. Pulumi(Infrastructure as Code):

I learned about Pulumi and i used it to deploy my side project windr to AWS. I am planning to use it more in the future.

3. Cloudflare Stack

I joined a new company this year we were using Cloudflare on a daily basis here are some of the services i learned about:

  • Cloudflare Workers
  • Cloudflare Pages
  • Cloudflare DNS
  • Cloudflare R2
  • cloudflare KV (Key Value Store)
  • Cloudflare Queues (Message Queue)

Key lessons:

  • Worker are great for serverless functions and they are very fast but the drawbacks:
    • you can not use any npm packages that has native node.js modules as depndencies.
    • Monitoring collecting logs form the worker it was such hassle you will need to send logs to a third party service with API call! (Cloudflare annouced the last month you can forwards logs with logpush but i did not try it yet)
  • Pages are great for static sites.
  • KV is most product i love from cloudlare it is a key value store that you can use it as a database or cache.

4. Mointroing tools

I learned about the following monitoring tools:

Key lessons: - Distrubuted tracing is a great for debugging and discover errors and failures quickly in productions but is not easy to config. - I did not use Datadog much but i planing to use it more in the future.

5. Render

Like heroku with good developer experience(DX) they provide simple Infrastructure as code API with simple yaml file you can provision your infrastructure. I did use it deploy two docker cotainers with PostgresSQL.

Key lessons:

  • It is a great tool for deploying docker containers.
  • They do not provide good customer support.

6. Internal Tools (n8n and tooljet)

I introduced n8n and tooljet to my company and we are using them to build simple and complex workflows with n8n. we are using tooljet for building dashbaords.

Key lessons:

  • n8n is great for building workflows: like connecting to different APIs, database and services and build complex workflows.
  • tooljet seems appealing but i did not use it much.

7. PostgresSQL (DeepDive)

I dig deep into PostgresSQL with a great course SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide from one of my favorite instructors of all time Stephen Grider, here are some of the topics i learned about:

  • Query Tunning
  • How pages are stored in the database
  • How indexes are stored in the database
  • Schemas and how to use them.

I have not finished the course yet but i am planing to finish it in 2023.